Movie script

LEVEL -9 EARTHQUAKE Once open a time there was a marriage ,and there is a lots of people who are enjoying a lots of marriage . Arrangement of marriage was really owesome and people lots of enjoy and happy marriage. Lots of children playing and dancing and in the party. Suddenly feel the earth slowly slowly the groud is shaking.The environmental effect of it are that including surface faulting ,tectonic uplift and subsidence , tsunamis soil liquefaction and ground resonance , landslides and ground failure, either directly linked to a quake source or provoked by the ground shaking. FEW CAUSES OF EARTHQUAKE:- 1)Interplate earthquake. 2) Divergent boundary . 3) Strike slip faults . 4)Convergent plate boundaries. IMPACK OF AN EARTHQUAKE :- 1) Where plates boundaries occur within the continental lithosphere , deformation is spread out over a much larger area than the plate boundary. 2)The case of the San Andress fault continental transform , many earthquake...